David Monzingo

David Monzingo

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

This week's been crazy with getting ready for the show I've been waiting for since the day after last year. Eurowerks 2009 is a great European car show held in Minnesota. Last weekend, I started to fix up the front end of Loosy, my daily driver vr6. Along with that, we also pulled the catalytic converter and now she's breathing well. Some random pictures I took the other day, bored at home of the car's current setup:

Friday, February 27, 2009

Friday, January 30, 2009

She makes me smile

When I think of you, all the time, everyday, I know I've done something right. You make me smile when I have a bad day, you make me smile even more on a good day. I can't help but to feel the most comfortable when I'm near you. Sometimes words cannot explain what I want to say, so I love you will have to do. The moment you leave my sight, I miss you like you've been gone for a long time. Every minute when I think of you, I smile and people ask what's up? I reply back to them, she just makes me happy. I want you to know that I'm in this completely, and love you more than you know, I can't wait to hold you and tell you in person, you are mine and more importantly, I am yours and yours only.

I love you

Thursday, January 29, 2009


My love for Volkswagen continues with taking on the toughest project I've done so far, a 1/24th scale Harlequin golf. Enjoy :)

Sunday, January 11, 2009

When the days can't pass by quick enough

When you have so much time on your hands, you have to keep yourself busy with things that may seem childish, immature, or whatever. Well, my "drug" of choice is plastic models. If you haven't figured out, I'm into Volkswagen, don't ask me why, because you're the exact person that wouldn't understand. Once you're in, you're in, and when you leave, you'll come back eventually. There's just something addictive about it. I can't tell you what it is, you'll have to figure that out on your own. Back to the point, I'm into Volkswagen's, and during this month of being off, I decided to take on a very delicate, and frustration causing project that to some may seem like a waste of money, to others a special art that seems to be on the verge of forgotten. Back in 1996, Volkswagen did something no other car company ventured to do. Forget the 2-toned paint jobs, Volkswagen made a 4 color golf; the Harlequin. The four colors are basically red, yellow, green, and blue. But these weren't your ordinary bland colors, these were special. Tornado red, ginster yellow, pistacio green, and lastly, chagall blue. Between these for colors, Volkswagen "produced" 284 of these special Edition Harlequins, and before you say, "yuck, ugly, gross or vomit", realize that it's a rare car, and have respect for what it is. Well, I love the things, and I decided to take upon the task of painted a 1:25th scale golf like one. First, I'll show you a picture of what a Harlequin looks like, and then, I'll show you a couple pictures of the progress I've made on my model so far.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

While she was here...

Me and Liz spent as much time together as possible, and I would not have had it any other way. She makes me smile whenever I see her, and tonight only made it that much harder to see her leave. The way she looks at me and smiles, just makes me want to go back to school with her. I'm pretty positive that I will be able to get off work later in January to be able to go and visit her at UF in Ohio. I'm pretty stoked about the time that I got to spend with her and am also glad that I am this lucky of a person. She doesn't know how much she means to me. Thus far, this Christmas break has topped all that I've ever had, and didn't fail to deliver the warm feeling inside of being held by someone special.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

What a weekend

Well, going into sunday afternoon, I didn't know what to expect the past few days. Rooming with almost strangers, all except my girlfriend Liz, I wasn't sure how I would "fit in" because I was the new guy. Well, I think I handled what they threw at me quite well, enjoyed 3 awesome days with Liz, and I don't think I could haveasked for anything better than last night, watching a movie with her, feeling more comfortable there, than anywhere else I have ever been. Thanks to Liz for inviting me, and a big thanks to her parents for funding the trip for all of us, it was more than awesome!